NAPERVILLE, IL — The Rotary Club of Naperville Sunrise will host a drive-up food drive March 20 at Naperville Country Club to help collect donations for West Suburban Food Pantry. The food pantry is in need of donations as many restaurant workers, school employees and students have been forced to remain home amid coronavirus closures.
According to Deb Newman, public relations chair for Sunrise Rotary, demand at West Suburban Community Pantry has increased by roughly 30 percent in recent weeks. Usual donations from grocery stores have also lagged as stores struggle to keep up with demand from customers.
Newman said of the March 20 event, “We’re so lucky to have so much in our community. It’s easy to forget the unseen families and seniors who struggle every day, and that group is growing now as people lose their jobs and kids who depend on free and reduced school breakfast, lunch and snacks having less access. Sunrise Rotary is dedicated to helping kids and families thrive in our community. This was a great opportunity to help that effort while still practicing social distancing.”
Picture Source: Courtesy of Rick Uldricks