In recent years, influencer marketing has become one of the most popular and effective ways for teams to grow a following and increase brand awareness. And for a good reason – a whopping 71% of marketers report that they get higher-quality customers from influencer marketing than they do from other sources. While influencers sound excellent, learning to use influencers can be difficult – especially if you’ve never done it before. If you want to bring influencers into your marketing strategy, here are a few ways to make the process as effective as possible:

6 Approaches to Leverage Influencers for Your Brand

Build a network of influencers. First things first, know your options. Instead of putting all your eggs in one influencer basket, build a network of influencers to grow your brand. When you have a selection of different influencers to choose from, you’ll have more options for promoting your brand.

Create an experience. Your brand is a product, and it’ll be more successful if you create an experience around it. While you can bring influencers in to showcase your products and services, their efforts will be more effective if there’s already experience and personality surrounding your brand.
Collaborate with your influencers. Influencers are not a tactic that you can “set and forget.” While influencers themselves are skilled professionals, influencer marketing will work better if you actively collaborate with those influencers.

Look for micro-influencers. Micro-influencers are a different type of influencer. Instead of catering to massive audiences, they work with small companies. These influencers have smaller, much more targeted followings, and they tend to specialize in a particular type of product, like wellness, health, or fitness. These influencers may be able to communicate more effectively with your audiences and cater more specifically to your brand.

Don’t rely only on influencers. When you start working with influencers, you can’t afford to work exclusively with influencers. Instead, make your approach more effective by spreading your efforts across influencers and other channels. Combine influencer marketing with a renewed focus on content, for example, to help your brand go further.

Support a cause. Use influencers to support a cause for your brand. Consider bringing in an influencer who is well-known for their affiliation with a brand, or who can help you obtain visibility around a cause or issue you care about.

Incorporate influencers into your marketing strategy this year, and let our team help.

Give us a call at (630) 282-4750 and we will help you understand our social media services and more during these trying times.