NAPERVILLE, IL — This could be the year perplexed cooks gobble up their cell phone data plans asking the experts staffing Butterball’s Turkey Talk-Line how to cook a Thanksgiving meal that isn’t a disaster.

Cooking a turkey actually isn’t that hard.

Still, the angst associated with tackling a turkey for the first time can turn Thanksgiving into a traumatic experience. The pressure on these cooks is enormous. Turkeys, a uniquely North American bird, have graced Thanksgiving tables since President Abraham Lincoln declared the fourth Thursday in November a national holiday in 1863.

In any case, the 50 experts taking questions are ready with answers. In a typical year, they have about 100,000 interactions with cooks, many of whom are frantic their turkeys will be a flop.

Picture Source: Jim R. Bounds

SOURCE ( Beth Dalbey, Patch )