Over the last 18 months we’ve all become experts at Internet shopping. From groceries, to gifts, clothes, and home décor, it’s easy to scroll online and click our way to happiness. With the holiday season right around the corner, it’s important to remember one of the key reasons why we all love Naperville. Our downtown shopping district is second to none.

But what happens to these local one-of-a-kind businesses that add distinct character to our town if people choose the convenience of shopping from home over patronizing their friends’ and neighbors’ businesses? The answer is obvious. The number of Amazon vans clogging our streets will grow as the uniqueness of our town slowly slips away.

The entrepreneurs who launch small businesses fuel our local and state economy. They provide jobs with good wages to people who live here, and they reinvest in their community, which benefits us all. Small business owners help build strong and vibrant communities, and have a vested interest that is absent from online retailers or even the big box stores. These business owners work incredibly hard to provide goods and services that the people of Naperville value, and they are the ones who will go the extra mile to ensure customer satisfaction.

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