The sun is shining; friends and family take a dip in the pool; an outdoor concert brings the community together for a night of music and food.

With summer in sight, it’s never too early to plan your summer schedule. Thankfully, Naperville is chock full of events for the entire family.

Dive into fun, literally, at Centennial Beach in Downtown Naperville. Beginning Father’s Day Weekend, you will be able to ward off the Midwest heat with friends and family by cooling off in the old quarry or relaxing on the lawn.

Over the course of three weekends throughout June, July and August, Naper Settlement will be hosting Naper Nights. Enjoy band tributes, such as the Rolling Stones, Aretha Franklin and Dave Matthews Band. Let the music take you away as you sit back with delicious local food and drinks. For more information, head to

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SOURCE (Carlos Madinya/ Positively Naperville)